- Corporate Information
- Corporate philosophy
Corporate philosophy

Promoting data utilization to create a sustainable future
Since the Company’s founding in 2004, we have believed more than anyone in the potential for data to enrich lives and industries.
As the world’s population continues to grow, Japan’s population is in continual decline, and the country is faced with limited resource availability. As “data utilization professionals,” we have worked to breathe life into data and contribute to improving global sustainability.

Creating a society where data use becomes as natural as breathing
“Data-driven as Usual”
Data utilization has permeated deeply into people’s lives and corporate activities across a broad range of industries, increasing productivity and enriching lives. As such, we offer broad reaching services that provide the human resources and environment needed to resolve the complex relationship we have with data, and help data utilization take root in our everyday lives.
Contributing to the revitalization of an internationally competitive and prosperous Japan by rebuilding the technology and human resources supply chain
“Facilitating the uptake of data utilization while staying ahead of human resource development by making advanced technologies available to all”

BrainPad has established a set of “BrainPad Values” that act as a value system and a guideline for all employees to follow
- VALUE 01
Face the problem head-on
At BrainPad, we see asking the right questions on what needs to be addressed, and what problems need solving, as leading to greater results. We will always face problems head-on, with our eyes never wavering from what the facts and data are telling us.
- VALUE 02
Take action
We understand that taking action to verify and test theories opens up a range of possibilities. We learn from the results of our actions, and continue to work towards achieving the next breakthrough.
- VALUE 03
Pay respect
There are times that we need to confront hard truths. Without maintaining a sense of respect, our words have no chance of reaching the other person. Brushing up against diversity and different sets of values will not bring about a new sense of awareness or learnings if we do not have a sense of respect for the other person. We respect the work, lives, and values of others, as we would like done to us.
- VALUE 04
Create the future
The words and actions of each individual in society or an organization have tremendous power to influence others. We accept this, and think positively of the kind of organization or society that excites us, and work together with our colleagues and the organization to grow and build a brighter future together.